Learning About Event Planning

Do you need to plan a party for a family member or friend? Learn more about birthday, anniversary, and wedding planning.

Is Your Daughter Getting Married?

7 August 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If your daughter is about to marry the man of her dreams, she is probably on Cloud Nine. Meanwhile, you might be in a constant state of almost panic. After all, there is probably so much to do to prepare for your daughter's wedding service and her wedding reception that you might not even know where to begin. Maybe you feel totally comfortable with planning the church service, and your daughter probably has the choice of her dress and her attendant's clothes already selected. Read More …

Are You In Charge Of A Large Family Reunion?

15 May 2019
 Categories: , Blog

is this the summer that you will be in charge of planning your family reunion? If so, you might be in a bit of a panic as summer is right around the corner. On the other hand, you might have already planned everything you're going to do with your extended family members. If that's the case, good for you. If you are still in the planning stages, you might want some suggestions. Read More …

Is Your Club Or Organization Hosting A Special Charity Event?

2 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Do you belong to a club or another organization that raises money for charity? Perhaps in the past, your group has raised enough money to provide water to third-world villages in other countries. Or, it might be that you have even provided scholarships to worthy college students. No matter the next charitable event your group is planning, you might already have all your ducks in a row.  On the other hand, maybe you are still looking for ideas to make the event a special one. Read More …

4 Things To Look For When Hiring A Wedding DJ

15 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Because your wedding is such an important event, you should plan each detail of the ceremony and reception in advance. From the dress and reception hall to the menu and entertainment, planning your wedding is not meant to be easy. Thankfully, you can make the process of choosing a DJ for your reception less stressful. With this guide, you will learn a few key factors to consider when hiring a DJ for your wedding. Read More …

Enjoy A Celebratory Atmosphere While On The Way To And From The First Football Game Of The Season

2 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Are you and your friends heading to the first football game of the season and anticipating the exciting strategies that your favorite team members use to secure a victory? Renting a party bus will provide everyone with a celebratory atmosphere and the opportunity to enjoy the game day without being burdened with the unappealing task of driving to and from the sporting venue. Chip In For A Party Bus Ask your friends if they want to make the first game even more intriguing by riding in a party bus prior to and after the sporting event. Read More …

About Me
Learning About Event Planning

Hi there, my name is Craig. Welcome to my site about event planning. When I was a young boy, I always helped my family members plan all of the party events. It often seemed like we were getting together for events every weekend. There were birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, retirement parties and holidays to plan and enjoy. I learned how to create menus, decorate venues and create guest lists starting at an early age. I still enjoy these activities when I get a chance to plan events. I will use this site to teach others how to plan their upcoming events. Thanks for visiting.