Do you need to plan a party for a family member or friend? Learn more about birthday, anniversary, and wedding planning.

Exploring the Versatile Uses of Retractable Belt Stanchions

11 June 2024
 Categories: , Blog

Retractable belt stanchions, ubiquitous crowd control devices seen in airports, banks, theaters, and many other public spaces, are more than functional barriers. They're versatile tools with a wide range of uses beyond guiding foot traffic. Queue Management One of the primary uses of retractable belt stanchions is queue management. Whether at airports, amusement parks, or event venues, these stanchions efficiently organize lines of people. By creating designated pathways and directing individuals to form orderly queues, retractable belt stanchions streamline the waiting process, reducing congestion and frustration among visitors. Read More …

Making Memories at Family-Friendly Festivals: Tips for a Fun and Hassle-Free Experience

19 March 2024
 Categories: , Blog

Family-friendly festivals offer an excellent opportunity for families to bond, make memories, and experience different cultures. However, ensuring a fun and hassle-free experience requires careful planning and preparation. This blog provides practical tips to help festival-goers maximize their enjoyment while minimizing potential stressors. Planning Ahead for Success Preparation is key to a successful family festival experience. Researching the festival beforehand and understanding its schedule, facilities, and rules can help you navigate the day smoothly. Read More …

The Perks of Hosting a Rehearsal Dinner at Your Wedding Venue

4 January 2024
 Categories: , Blog

A wedding rehearsal dinner is often overlooked, but it's an essential component of the wedding celebrations. It's a chance for the bridal party and their partners to bond before the big day and iron out any last-minute details. While many couples choose to host their rehearsal dinners at various restaurants or catering halls, hosting them at your wedding venue offers numerous benefits. In this blog post, we will explore the advantages of hosting your rehearsal dinner at the same venue as your wedding. Read More …

About Me
Learning About Event Planning

Hi there, my name is Craig. Welcome to my site about event planning. When I was a young boy, I always helped my family members plan all of the party events. It often seemed like we were getting together for events every weekend. There were birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, retirement parties and holidays to plan and enjoy. I learned how to create menus, decorate venues and create guest lists starting at an early age. I still enjoy these activities when I get a chance to plan events. I will use this site to teach others how to plan their upcoming events. Thanks for visiting.